Monday, September 28, 2009


Well, knitting Commelina turns out to be a bust. The beautiful Somoko yarn completely overpowered the lace design. Furthermore, because of the lace pattern, the colors couldn't establish their own pattern and it just looked awful. see?


So, although I would still love to knit Commelina, I think I'll save it for a solid color or for a variegated yarn with much, much longer color sections.

Now, I've been thinking about what else I can do to take with me for my trip this weekend and I'm thinking I might start another pair of socks. I have all that sock yarn! Only problem is that I have most of it in skeins and not wound into balls. I either need to invest in a winder/swift or find someone who can do that for me.

In preparation, I've found the toe-up cast on I prefer, the Turkish caston. Now I need to find a good heel gusset method.

I'm pretty sure I'm making the toe-up Jaywalkers.


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